Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Movin' on....

As you can tell, number 3 is no longer on his/her way just yet. that is our 3rd loss unfortunately... but maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Not sure if the boys are actually ready for another baby around... that is JT of course. He is a very needy lil boy, wants me all for himself, and I'm okay with that for now.

So lately, just been taken care of the home front. We decided again to go for the bouse buying experience again... we actually sat down and talked with someone, pulled ouor credit, and needless to say, theres a lot of work to be done. But we have been assured that by this time next year, we should be ready to move into our very first home. **fingers crossed**

Work is going well for Jerry. Still workin on the house at the Norogachi Ranch. It's coming along beautifully, especially from what it started as. Kinda makes me want to build our own home instead of buying with all the talent he has.... just a thought thou.

Work for me is starting to actually take off!!! Looking forward to all the new business partners that want to join me in this opportunity... very greatful for the ones who already are. We are gonna make some serious money this year!! YAY!! Because work is doing well, I'm able to travel and attend the international conferences this year. Feb. 26th, we are leaving for San Diego. Jerry and the boys decided to join me, so he can take them to the zoo and otehr site-seeing places down there while I sit in a convention all day.... soooo looking forward to that. BUT what I am looking forward to is seeing old friends while I'm down there, too..... Hi Anna! See you soon!!

Jacobs birthday was a BLAST! We had a Nerf Party.... got al the kids nerf guns, and even the adults participated. We laughed all afternoon. Great friends joined us, and Jacob was very happy all day, so happy in fact, her forgot to eat, and passed out on the way home, then slept all night. LOL!! He was pooped.

JT is as crazy as usual. Keeps me on my toes all day. I love him terribly, he's still my cuddle bug, loves to come up to me at random times and say "Amo mommy" makes my heart melt.

Both of my boys are awesome, which was why is was easy to bounce back from this last loss. Can't be more happier than with what we have.

DON'T FORGET: MArch 22nd, Sunday on NBC... watch the Celebrity Apprentice. My product will be featured on the season premier... and trust me..... it's gonna blow your mind!! So excited to be endorsed by someone as 'big' as Donald Trump. Good times :)

so for now........


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