Thursday, February 19, 2009


I was enjoying lunch yesterday with Sondra, when my phone rings and to my surprise it was Jerry. I get calls from him often during the day, but for some reason, this ring kinda shocked me. On the other end, I hear my loving husband telling me he has good news, but kinda bad news... From the tone of his voice, I knew what it was. "When are they sending you?" was my reply.
Jerry works for the family company Norogachi Construction. It's a good company, and its growing like crazy. Although the economy sucks here in California, you'd be surprised at the growth and work there is in Seattle Washington. The company has based on office up there, and they currently have 5 jobs going. All at different stages, its looking as thou Jerry will be a Washington resident for about 6 months.
We're not new to this. 2007 he was working out of town every week. He would leave Sunday afternoon, work thru til Thursday, and come home on the weekends. It was hard, and we had some difficult times, but there was always the weekends to look forward to. This time, not so much. Being 15 hours away, and 2 states inbetween, it won't be as easy to come home on the weekends. We have our videophone, and I'll be sending him with another one, so maybe that'll be the change that we need this time. The boys will probably take it harder than me. I can read emails, and hear his voice on the other end of the line.... But Jacob and JT have an unique bond with their daddy. We'll be planning road trips and talking a lot on the phone... but it'll be hard. We're strong, and very much in love. But this is going to be a long 6 months.....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Relay For Life 2009

I'm so excited for May. We have so much going on in the months before then, but May just sticks out in my head even more. I have taken on the responsibility of putting together a team for the Amercian Cancer Societys Relay For Life 2009. This is an awesome fundraiser for cancer research. Plus its a way to get out with a griup of people and get a lil exercise. So far, we have 12 people on my team, with 4 survivors joining us. I'm really looking forward to the efforts we bring and support we make. I remember walking in high school for the relay, and the energy of everyone around you is so contagious. Can't wait for it all again. I'm hoping on doing this every year... there has to be a cure for this horrible disease... and we have to fundraise and research til there is!!
Our team name this year is Ropin'&Hopin' its a catchy name, and it fits the western theme of our camp site. It should be a blast, and i'll have tons of pictures to come.
This year, I'm walking in honor of my grandfather who passed away in '01 for esphogial cancer, my mom, who is a survivor of skin, cervical and breast cancer, my father in-law who is a survivor of prostate cancer, for Stacey Hartmann, who just lost her almost 10 year battle with ovarian cancer, and Jane Anderson, who lost her battle 3 years ago to breast cancer. I know its a lot, but this ugly thing has taken too many people from our lives too soon.
I'm designing cool shirts for a team to wear, and making ribbons for our survivors walking with us. Even though this won't take place til May, I seem to be very busy with it everyday... not to mention the people joining our team everyday.
So let me know if you'd beinterested in joining our team for the walk, or if you'd like to donate to this great foundation :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

we're all sick....

What is going around?? I can't believe that it is friday, and I've literally been in bed ALL week!! and now, my poor babies have it. Both, who are not very good sports, have the old smokers cough and headaches. they've been in bed with me for the last two days. On wednesday, Jerry had to come home from work because I was passin out while laying down, whats that about? my ears were ringing so bad that I couldn't even stand up without falling over... it was a scary situation...

So here we are, Friday, Valentines day weekend... and nothing planned for the romantic holiday. Although Jerry hates secrets, nor does he hide them well... we exchanged valentines last night. He's so sweet. I got a western pearl necklace, with a silver heart pendant with rhinestones, and matching earrings. So beautiful. I was so impressed.

So now I just need to feel better long enough to maybe take my man to a nice dinner... and wear my new jewels. but for now, dinner and a movie 'in'. No going out..... I just hope we don't manage to pass this to him... hopefully he's the lucky one.

ON A MORE POSITIVE NOTE: Last weekend, Jerry was in the Cattlewomans Ranch Rodeo Fundraisier, in Rancho Murieta. He, his brother and the Rodmans competted together in a branding event. They took 2nd place... which in all honesty was a joke, and should've been first... but they recieved nice headstalls. They will not be going back next year becuase the greedy women kept all the fees and had no pay out. So after waiting around for 7 hours, taking 2nd with 3:33 in the branding, and no pay out.... it wasn't all that worth it. BUT, Jacob took 1st place in the Jr. Dummy ropiun contest. He roped 6/6 loops... best out of all the kids. Lilly (my niece) took 2nd with 4/6 loops. They were both very excited. Jacob recieved a new buckle, new rope, and a new hat. All in All, it was a pretty good day out at the barn.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Movin' on....

As you can tell, number 3 is no longer on his/her way just yet. that is our 3rd loss unfortunately... but maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Not sure if the boys are actually ready for another baby around... that is JT of course. He is a very needy lil boy, wants me all for himself, and I'm okay with that for now.

So lately, just been taken care of the home front. We decided again to go for the bouse buying experience again... we actually sat down and talked with someone, pulled ouor credit, and needless to say, theres a lot of work to be done. But we have been assured that by this time next year, we should be ready to move into our very first home. **fingers crossed**

Work is going well for Jerry. Still workin on the house at the Norogachi Ranch. It's coming along beautifully, especially from what it started as. Kinda makes me want to build our own home instead of buying with all the talent he has.... just a thought thou.

Work for me is starting to actually take off!!! Looking forward to all the new business partners that want to join me in this opportunity... very greatful for the ones who already are. We are gonna make some serious money this year!! YAY!! Because work is doing well, I'm able to travel and attend the international conferences this year. Feb. 26th, we are leaving for San Diego. Jerry and the boys decided to join me, so he can take them to the zoo and otehr site-seeing places down there while I sit in a convention all day.... soooo looking forward to that. BUT what I am looking forward to is seeing old friends while I'm down there, too..... Hi Anna! See you soon!!

Jacobs birthday was a BLAST! We had a Nerf Party.... got al the kids nerf guns, and even the adults participated. We laughed all afternoon. Great friends joined us, and Jacob was very happy all day, so happy in fact, her forgot to eat, and passed out on the way home, then slept all night. LOL!! He was pooped.

JT is as crazy as usual. Keeps me on my toes all day. I love him terribly, he's still my cuddle bug, loves to come up to me at random times and say "Amo mommy" makes my heart melt.

Both of my boys are awesome, which was why is was easy to bounce back from this last loss. Can't be more happier than with what we have.

DON'T FORGET: MArch 22nd, Sunday on NBC... watch the Celebrity Apprentice. My product will be featured on the season premier... and trust me..... it's gonna blow your mind!! So excited to be endorsed by someone as 'big' as Donald Trump. Good times :)

so for now........
